Make Money Doing What You Love

A woman lies comfortably in bed, using a laptop, reflecting the convenience and accessibility of engaging in healing coaching sessions from the comfort of home

I love helping women make good money doing what they LOVE.

It is the driving force and passion behind my work.

Maybe it has something to do with the fact that when I was five years old my parents split up and my Mom had to enter the workforce full-time as a single mother.

She had to totally redefine her life. And did so for her family.

So, it doesn’t surprise me that this year, as I’ve entered a new phase of life as a partner and step-mother, I’ve mostly heard from women who are the sole breadwinners for their family. 

Business and relationships have been my most painful and transformative areas for growth.

Growing a successful business comes down to having skills in both of these areas. If your relationship skills need work you’ll see the impact of this in your business as well.

I know inside and out what it feels like to endure the financial challenges and strategic struggles that come with growing a business as a solopreneur. 

I see it with every client I work with.

When you start putting boundaries where there weren’t any before, EVERYTHING CHANGES.

Most of all, your sense of self-love-worth-acceptance dramatically changes the kinds of relationships you are willing to allow.

In the beginning of making an important change (in life and work), it can feel like an insurmountable pressure at your back to succeed - “This has got to work!”

And yes, making changes requires doing the hard thing of saying no to the old and familiar that isn’t working for you anymore.

In the end, what I have discovered is that…

Women who are entrepreneurs at heart are RIDE or DIE about their work in the world.

You are women who want to make it happen, no matter what, and want the ride to be WORTH IT.

And you know your self-cultivation will be central to your success in business.

You know you want to achieve a certain level of accomplishment in your work…

You know you want to succeed at making a living and providing for your family…

You know you have the goods to make it happen…

You just need to know how to deliver the goods to the right people. 

In a way that works.

For you.

Without the endless struggle of giving it all away…

Without the insurmountable to do list…

Without the hustle and exhaustion…

Without the burnout and endless depletion…

Without compromising on what you want and need for you and your family.

It is 100% possible to have a business that works for you, that supports your family, that moves you into the next level of financial flow, fulfillment and ease.

In fact, its the only kind of business worth having.

Not to mention experiencing the creative pleasure that comes with doing exactly what you love to do.

I am the first female entrepreneur in my family.

My Mom did not get to pursue her passion for a career.

I know she sacrificed a lot for us, so that we could have better opportunities.

Now I help powerhouse women build badass businesses that thrive and create meaningful change in the world. 

Not just for the money, but for what the money supports in their lives.

A business that thrives is rooted in life.

The more you anchor in, the more you’ll receive, and the more you can give back.

It’s 100% worth the ride.

I promise.

In solidarity.


P.S. Are you ready to ditch the hustle, let go of endless to do lists, and move into more flow and ease making money doing what you love?

Sign up HERE to get first in line to receive 1:1 strategy for your 2024 plan.


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