A Need to Heal

An image of a hand reaching toward the sun, surrounded by rainbow prisms, symbolizing hope, growth, and the pursuit of inner light and transformation in the healing coaching journey

Your capacity to heal is immeasurable.

This eclipse brought a need.

A need to remember how far and deep I could go inside myself.

A need to know again how far and deep I could heal.

A need to feel spirit enter my being so completely that I could to trust I am whole.

There is no more ultimate journey than the one you can take inside yourself.

As far as you can go inward, you can expand your life outward.

I needed the reminder that all of what you seek is already inside of you.

And everything and everyone in your life is a reminder of that every day.

When we see god in all things we can trust that origin in our own heart.

Traveling through the territory of your inner landscape is the path.

No matter what you are looking for, longing for, outside of yourself, you will always find that it has its source in you. Every ounce of love, every shimmer of fear, every stroke of hate or disdain or rejection, Every ounce of healing, radical acceptance, compassion, and love all is within you.

When we embrace this, when we walk this, anything becomes possible, in any area of your life.

Whether it’s a relationship you want, or more money, or peace of mind.. freedom, happiness, safety, belonging, love… all of it has its source within you.

All that is required of you is to see what is standing in the way of what’s yours to begin with. When you start to see what’s in the way that is when the healing can begin.

When we can get so real with what’s been hurt, hidden, forgotten.

Self love is the way home.

When you are able to call yourself home to yourself.

Hold yourself. Reckon with yourself. Know yourself. Trust yourself. Love yourself

Forgive yourself.

This is when we weave truth throughout our being

In the wound is the gift. Explore the wound. Release the story.

Feel to heal the pain.

Love yourself back into wholeness,

Of who you are now.


Stillness is a Point of Empowerment


Enter the Mystery