What Makes Your Business a Success

It can be seductive to think that taking courses on marketing, sales, or social media strategy alone will be enough to make your business a success.

Self-paced courses are valuable. They can offer information, provide you with insights about what needs attention in your business, and give you a starting point to show you what is missing.

But to truly transform the way you lead in your life and in your business, courses will fall short of the in-depth, personalized, and strategic support that is essential to your path of personal change.

Gathering more information isn’t going to bring you over the finish line.

Amassing more online courses and endless certifications can actually become the distraction that keeps you from building a solid, sustainable, and thriving business.

You also need to look at where the gaps are in your current approach, what’s not working, and use your vision and inspiration to design the architecture for your body of work from the inside out.

To do this effectively and comprehensively you’ll need the support that can help you integrate this aspect of healing on a mind-body spirit level. Which goes beyond what a online self-paced course or program can provide.

The kind of changes you’ll need to make are interwoven within every level of your being, and what unfolds is a fully embodied restructuring.

Many women entrepreneurs show up burned out, overwhelmed, overextended, and think that their biggest problem is strategy. 

While strategy is important, when we look deeper we find a more core level need. A need for compassionate support. It’s the kind of support that hears your exact problem and actively helps you create a personalized approach to business building that transforms your life.

Essentially, there are two actions you need to consistently take in your business that will give you the traction you are looking for. And they have little to do with amassing more information.

The first is to talk to people about the work you do in a way that is compelling and enrolling. 

The second thing you need to do consistently to gain traction is to promote (and sell!) your work with confidence, in a way that feels fully aligned.

What is needed here to support this is a unique framework that enables you to step fully into the next level of confidence and leadership for your business.

When your business is truly aligned with who you are, and the framework is supportive of the life that you want, your natural creative rhythm will set you free to build, grow, and eventually scale your business in ways you never imagined possible.

You don’t need to be brilliant at the business side of things. Instead, you need to know who you are as a creator, and what kind of leader you are choosing to be.

In addition to being the radical multi-passionate human being you are, you need to…

Hold true to the vision for your work. 

Delegate tasks well and timely. 

Nurture your own inner growth consistently. 

Know and feel what you care about.

Learn how you transform your clients’ lives. 

Trust in the deeper value of your work.

Embody the intention of what you offer.

All of these take inner game work to crystallize. 

From my experience, coaching women in their business is a fully embodied process of aligning with your inner authority and direction. It requires a total reframe of your beliefs about yourself within the areas of commerce, relationships, and business.

Building your business successfully calls for a radical shift in self perception, acceptance, personal empowerment, and professional evolution.

This process will revolutionize the way you see yourself and your role in creating culture and community.

It will hands-down be one of the most powerful, personal, and spiritual healing journeys you will take. 

It will test you on every level of your life.

It will ask you to surrender your attachments and step into the unknown.

It will ask you to start over again. 

It will ask you who you think you are. It will ask you to leave your comfort zone. 

It will stretch you past what you thought you were capable of.

And bring you more inner fortitude, patience, and perspective than you ever thought possible.

Business is a transformational path towards embodying your inner personal authority and leadership. How deeply you commit to your journey will determine the success of your business.

It will take into consideration who you are, who you’ve been, and who you are about to become,

And it will ask you to commit to your vision, to your clients, to your process.

It will ask you to commit to yourself as a teacher, healer and guide.

It will ask you to get clear on your contribution to change. 

It will ask you who you need to become to fulfill your purpose now.

If you want to build your business from a deep sense of purpose and embody a calling you believe in. you will need to go deep.

Having a process to support you every step of the way that is rooted in transformation, emotionally supportive, and energetically dialed in is essential.

For the love of the journey and all you are here to create.

With Love,



Gradual Sharpness


Resilience Training